Thread: Guns.
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Old 05-27-2002, 02:46 AM   #280
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: May 1, 2001
Location: melbourne victoria australia
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Originally posted by MagiK:
Fortunatly for US citizens, citizens of Denmark do not get to decide our laws [img]smile.gif[/img] It was to partly to escape the types of government that exist in europe our ancestors left those countries and formed a more perfect union, a nation that grew greater and stronger than any that had come before. Guns are part of our culture and our civil rights, end of discussion, untill the majority of US citizens decide otherwise. (Our government does not tell us what they want, we tell them what we want. It is called a representative republic)

Nothing left to be said.
I agree with most all of this, except the part in parenthasis. Our Congress does do what it wants when it wants. Bills are put forward for consideration by Congressman. I cant recall Public outcry being the cause of Congress banning certain guns being owned by the general public. If im wrong tell me who the non-Government employee was that said "They shouldn't be able to own these kinds of weapons" That was definitely Congress that came up with that idea.

Morgan has made some very valuable points. I concur that if someone takes our guns away you take away our personal security. Gun dont kill people by themselves. They need a person to weild them.

I was discussing this with a friend yesterday and he tried to tell me that guns are dangerous. I disagree. People are dangerous. If someone wants you dead, youll be dead. He asked if a coffee cup or a pencil were as dangerous as an M-16??? I said equally as dangerous.. He asked how did I figure that???

My response was let someone stab you in the neck 42 times with a pencil and tell me how safe it is. The only difference is the RANGE at which you die. And I just have to think that being stabbed repeatedly with a pencil is MUCH more painful than being shot. I have a pretty good knowldge of what it feels like to be shot because I've BEEN shot. How many other people that post here can say that? Im STILL against gun laws.

Its funny to me in a weird sort of way, that in light of my previous paragraph that people who commit serial multicide generally dont use guns. They use pencils, knives, poisons, cars, or even an article of the victims own clothing. In Australia there have only been 2 or 3 serial killers that have actually used guns in any of their murders. Stabbing seems to be the favourite method, with poison running a close second. How are they going to keep people from getting knives or rat poison?

Take the guns away from the law abiding citizens and the only people that have guns are the criminals. Thats a fact. Why do liquor stores still get held up in Australia?? Because the Criminals didnt turn their guns in like everyone else did. THEIR CRIMINALS DUHHHHH.

How many guns were owned by the general public in France when Hitler invaded??? Would I be correct in saying "Not many"??? I know this is what some people consider cold war paranoia but the reason the USA will never be invaded is because too many guns owned by the public would make invasion very difficult. Anywhere there is a farm, ranch, or just a good ole redneck the invaders will have more than just the military to worry about. Not so in France, Bosnia, Slovakia, Holland, ect.

I pray to God there is never another Hitler. Europe is easy pickins. Not so in the USA. And for one simple reason, Guns.

[ 05-27-2002, 02:49 AM: Message edited by: Earthdog ]
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