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Old 05-17-2002, 07:43 PM   #265
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Originally posted by MagiK:
Yorik you simply are NOT reading my posts. I make it a habbit NEVER to spank my children while I am angry, thus they do NOT equate spanking with anger, what they equate it with is going way beyond the line that they know they should not cross. I havent had to spank in several years now, and My kids have become quite well behaved and happy kids, they know the rules and they know the punishments.

OK, I'm confused. So when one of your children acts up and needs to be punished and you are angry at the actions of the child, what do you do? You don't hit when angry so .... what? Sit down and watch tv til you stop being angry then walk up to the child say "You did a bad thing" and whack him on the butt?

Sorry, but it IS hard to follow. You say you never hit in anger but if the child has gone beyond the limits you set, are you saying you never get angry? Or that you delay punishment til after the child has long since done the bad thing? I would think a spanking too long AFTER the deed that drew it is less effective if it's effective at all.
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