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Old 05-15-2002, 11:00 PM   #59
Sir Mandorallen
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: November 7, 2001
Location: Fal Dara of Shienar
Age: 36
Posts: 790
*Ahem* This is kinda


But hey... I must say it.

Guys, try not to go agianst people of the age of 12-16. I know none of you will believe this, as I read Terry Brooks, Frank Herbert's Dune series, W.O.T. three times, LoTR about five, The Forgotton Realms, and Dragon Lance book series, plus I talk to you guys on a equal intellectual standered, and hold myself with etiquette and dignity, but I am forteen years old. Yes forteen. In fact I will turn fifteen on July 4, 2002. So when you say things like, "those stupid little kids are all immature." Think for a minute. I'm one of them and I don't act like Tiamat. I act logicaly and intelligently.

But my point is.... when you are talking about people like Tiamat, call him immature, and not a little kid, or 13 years old, because there are others on this forum who hold themselvs far more correct in the views of etiquette that are of that age. Thanx.
<br /><br />\"Sa souvraya niende misain ye\"<br />~I am lost in my own mind~<br /><br />\"Paradise on my right, Hell on my left, and the Angel of Death behind.\"<br />~The Sirat: O.C. Bible~
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