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Old 05-15-2002, 10:55 PM   #57
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
Posts: 19,737
Originally posted by Arnabas:
Well, as a new guy here, I can't say much... My feeling though, is that this is Ziroc's house and he can ask anyone to leave anytime he wants.
I am also impressed with the loyalty and honest affection people here show to one another. I wish I could have been here from the early days. Hopefully I'll get to make friendships with some of you guys (and girls).
That honesty and affection (even if we disagree, and we do sometimes!) is the major reason why I'm still here after a year. I cherish the friends I made then and love meeting new people here now.

I know that we blueboarders sometimes sound like a little IW fan club and we always back Z up, but we have come to know that this is ge best site on the web and Z knows best about being the IW webmaster.
We do disagree with each other and even Z sometimes but we stick together on the big things because that's what friends do. IW is as close to an internet 'family' as any community I've seen. I wouldn't swap it for any other.

hey Relic: [img]graemlins/kiss.gif[/img] teehee
"Don't take life for granted." Animal (may he rest in peace)
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