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Old 05-15-2002, 05:29 PM   #18

Join Date: August 14, 2001
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Age: 53
Posts: 2,326
On a lighter note - have any of you seen the South Park episode, where the kids are all put on ritalin?

On a more serious note - In Denmark there ran a TV program about a 1st grade class and their teachers. I clear slowed how hard it is to get 6-7 year-olds to behave. Part of the problem comes from home, where the smaller families (1-2 children) tend to 'spoil' their children and let them get their way. The chieldren them take this behaviour to school and cause disruptions when they don't get the attention they are used to.
Life is a laugh <img border=\"0\" alt=\"[biglaugh]\" title=\"\" src=\"graemlins/biglaugh.gif\" /> - and DEATH is the final joke <img border=\"0\" alt=\"[hehe]\" title=\"\" src=\"graemlins/hehe.gif\" />
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