Thread: Satanism
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Old 05-20-2002, 02:25 PM   #134
Lord Shield

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Originally posted by Yorick:

The bible speaks of eternal suffering for Satan. Revelation clearly speaks of two outcomes. One for Satan and death, the other for those that reject God. The prevailing theological thinking has merged the situations into a place of eternal suffering for humans. Roman Catholicism went further, and added purgatory - temporary suffering for everyone dependent on ones actions here.

There is no mention of purgatory in the bible. That concept was rejected outhand by protestantism.

It's interesting that many have used fear to try and bring people to Christ. Christ used love. Healing. Christ came to save not condemn. To forgive, not judge. Christ will not be sitting in judgement. He has taken all punishment on himself. The ultimate scapegoat.

It's far better to focus on Christ, on Heaven, on the Holy Spirit's gifts of inner peace, patience, joy, kindness, gentleness and love. As a christian I look at where I'm going, not where I'm not.
Not all sin. He compared the judgement of sinners to Gehenna ( a refuse dump effecctively). The sinners (with much waikling ang gnashing of teeth) would be hurled into the Lake of Fire and permanently destroyed. No love there