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Old 05-08-2002, 11:41 AM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: February 28, 2001
Location: Boston/Sydney
Posts: 11,771
I'm getting the feeling that evil spam may be on the rise again at Ironworks. Call it a gut feeling. Let me post my thoughts (and expectations) on this issue.

I know it's difficult to put a precise definition on what spam is. We all "sort of" know what it is. None of us can truly claim to be bipartisan when it comes to defining spam. Spam between people who know and like each other is not considered spam by them. Everyone talks crap to their friends now and then - it's how people bond together and develop friendships. But others who are outside that particular social/age group or don't find that particular brand of humor funny would probably find the spam either infantile, irritating, or childish.

Unfortunately I'm not allowed to be subjective when it comes to defining what is *good* spam or what is *bad* spam. I think that we draw the line at repetitive, nonsense posts, ESPECIALLY when they pollute other threads. With almost everything else we're quite lenient - as long as it's within the bounds of reasonability and people don't go over the top.

So I would just ask EVERYONE to:

  • Moderate whatever spam they choose to do here.
  • For those who have to read it - be patient when it's obviously friends talking. Use your back button if you find it tiresome. Read another thread.
  • For those who are doing it - know when the joke has gone too far, and gracefully end it before it starts to head to places that none of us want it to. This is far and away the #1 PROBLEM with spam - some people just don't know when to stop.
  • When other people start to get annoyed, STOP. Just like that. No bollocks like complaining that other people are doing it too, denying it, or any of that shite.
  • Don't pollute other threads with it, especially on-topic threads. This is always how jokes turn sour.
In summary, moderate yourselves, and everyone has a good time, including moderators and admins. Saz and I want to be able to enjoy ourselves when we come here too, rather than feel like we're policing everyone like this was a kindergarten.
Finally, there's a difference between friendly spamming and trolling (provoking reactions from people). I can tell the difference between the two - and you all know what we do to trolls here at Ironworks.

[ 05-08-2002, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Memnoch ]

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