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Old 05-11-2002, 07:15 PM   #206
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 2, 2001
Location: Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Age: 70
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I will reiterate that I did not say this was done maliciously, but unthinkingly. I must disagree with you that it would inspire more donations. I mean why would anyone feel like a chump for sending in money anway? Sorry, but I can't see that. And as far as the amount not being mentionned, that, in my opinion, is completely irrelevant to what I am talking about. Whether the amount is $1, $10, $100 or a $1,000, it will still make the person who cannot give any feel bad. And I have to correct you, Pauly, people HAVE mentionned specific amounts they were sending in these threads. Perhaps you missed those posts. I am not talking about this specific thread, but threads in the past. The server money thread comes to mind and there have been others.
<b>Order of the Holy Flame</b><br /><i>Member of Clan HADB</i><br /><b>Laughing Hyena</b><br /><i>Clan Liaison, IW Peace Keeping Force</i><br /><i>[url]\"\" target=\"_blank\">The Silver River VoiceChat!</a><br />Last Saturday of every month. <br />See the forum link for scheduling!<br /><b> </b><br /></i><br /><b>Admin and Co-Owner of [url]\"\" target=\"_blank\">The Silver River</a></b><br />[url]\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>
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