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Old 05-14-2002, 01:11 PM   #83

Join Date: May 9, 2001
Location: The backwoods in Georgia *sigh*
Age: 40
Posts: 2,151
Originally posted by /)eathKiller:
Letsee... things to do:

1: English Project
2: Broadway Play
3: Fix... alan's... skimpiness? How the heck am I supposed to do that?
4: Get Well
5: Help that one dude out with his sig, i forgot his name and where I got his request but I'm sure it'll turn up

Major Projects accomplished:
Davids Thing, Davids other Thing, Story I'm writing, And I finished the GUI skin for that bizare Baldurs Gate II mod... i'm sure they're havin' a feild day with my new Gui Skin, I said: "Screw the ugly dirt and rock patter, lets get Biological!" looks like something the zerg would use if they encountered the borg [img]tongue.gif[/img] looopdidy doop da da... BUM.... *kersmash*
Ahem, I liked the BG2 skin mister. So there!

Anyhow that English paper is due the 28th, whatever day that is. So you better get moving. I'm clueless how to do it though. Don't know where to begin. I'll figure something out, I always do.

And about alans err... skimpiness. You could just change his build. That would be the easiest way. Don't make him huge okay? Just a little muscular, we're talking like Matt's build. And don't tell *anyone* I said that.

PS: I changed something in the story *i'm* writing. Now Natalie never called it off with Alan. Why? Cause the story would be a heck of a lot easier for me write that way. Sides, those two act more like a couple anyhow. [img]tongue.gif[/img] Oh you'll see....
<br /><br />\"If you ever need me just whistle, and i\'ll come running. I promise. <img border=\"0\" title=\"\" alt=\"[Smile]\" src=\"smile.gif\" /> <br />Kupo, Kupo! A man can\'t get a sword if he can\'t dance! <img border=\"0\" title=\"\" alt=\"[Big Grin]\" src=\"biggrin.gif\" />
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