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Old 05-06-2002, 03:20 PM   #140
Knight of the Rose

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Scotland
Age: 38
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Originally posted by Galadria:
Er, actually uss, BK it's a level 29, we ran into a fiend or two, and (shrugs) has 5,438,906 XP He also has 340 HP, so he's kind of hard to a certain "divine" individual found out. Curst OK, now, sleeping at the Civic Festhall,, back in good ol' Sigil, rich as Croesus, but nothing to buy.
BK, Cloudkill is the very best spell in the GAME!!! It doesn't hurt your party! Dak'kon now has Celestial Host, Bladestorm, Stygian fury, etc.
I always found Bladestorm much more effective than cloudkill.... mmm... must be because I stopped casting one after I got the other.

Out of interest: What's your alignment currently?
Psychos do not explode when hit by sunlight, no matter how crazy they are!
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