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Old 05-03-2002, 02:39 PM   #20
Iluvatar Oakenshield

Join Date: January 3, 2002
Location: The Mighty Netherlands
Age: 45
Posts: 195
Awwww Cool, We may have been standing side-to-side headbanging to some of those bands. I was also there at the Dynamo. I thought TOT's concert wasn't very good, The sound just plain sucked. But the Atrocity show was funny. I still have some crappy pics of that show.

I have also visited The Metropool in Hengelo a couple of times. Saw Dark Funeral, Marduk, Enslaved, Gorefest, Six Feet Under, Bal-Sagoth, Immortal and loads of others.

I remember Legion from Marduk spitting a large mouthful of Black ink into the public at the start of the show. A friend of mine who stood just before me had his head covered with that stuff during the remainder of the evening, very funny that was.

Also the pig-blood was kinda "interesting" too. The complete front audience was covered with it because the singer (what's his name; Emperor Caligulus Something Something) emptied a bucket over his head and started headbanging. Dang, I remember how I smelled when I woke up the next day

Also I agree with you on some of the political statements of the extreme bands. I mean, being against religion that's ok, in my book. But the propaganda for violence against Christians and stuff goes to far for me. Also there seems to be a growing tendency towards White power and Neo-nazi ideals in the black metal seems. That is a shame, I hate that. There's this one band from Poland called Graveland. Great music but their lyrics keep me from buying some of their stuff. >:

As for satan-worshipping; that's cool when you're 14

I also agree on the Varg subject; That dude is not cool, I believe he's still in jail so no problems there, Good riddance

Luckily not all bands are like that, such as for example Enslaved, they have nice lyrics imo.

Thanx again for the Angizia offer, I'll let ya know [img]smile.gif[/img]

Well gotta go I'll talk to you again soon [img]smile.gif[/img]

PS: Alvast gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag morgen [img]graemlins/superdude.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/thewave.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/superdude.gif[/img]
"Wherever she dwells I will bid a farewell sigh For she dwells with beauty - beauty that must die And deep inside me I will wait for her return To her enchanting, awe-inspiring flame I'll yearn O lust and rueful thought be mine, My soul enhanced, desires... Melancholy. My heart is thine."

Schwadorf, Empyrium '97
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