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Old 05-02-2002, 12:56 PM   #1

Join Date: April 28, 2001
Location: Cambridge
Age: 41
Posts: 3,877
Do you remember when you were at university, or perhaps you are studying in one now, tell us and the little ones of IW about your University experience!

Here is a little bit about my food situation at Uni...

The 1st major discovery at university was SPAM! [img]graemlins/spam2.gif[/img]
YES this was the ideal food source... it provided u with mechanic meat at a cheap price and tasty compliments like salt. I lived off spam for a while. Spam and Bread, Spam and Beans, Spam and noodles, Spam and Coffee, Spam and Bed.... Spam and Spam ...
But then one day.. i stopped eating spam........
i stopped buying spam.....
NOT because i was tirred of the [img]graemlins/spam2.gif[/img] nor was it because i wanted to be healthy after looking in the mirror, it wasn't because i was dying from malnutrition... not EVEN because a certain girl started telling me to eat healthily or never speak to me again...

IT WAS BECAUSE... i couldn't be bothered to goto the shops anymore...
I was soooo lazy... so tired... so MALE!

But recently i have gone to the shops and cook my own food forced by a dire finacial situation and save food money(a lot trust me).
The 1st time i went food shopping i instinctively grabbed SPAM!
then i remembered a golden rule:

SPAM = 1/(nice body)

girls = (nice body)^q where q is a genetic and social constant that varies with the girl

therefore don't eat SPAM...

so i put it back nicely on the shelf where it sat for a while longer..

[ 05-02-2002, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Avatar ]
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