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Old 05-01-2002, 06:20 PM   #26
Jack Burton

Join Date: June 3, 2001
Location: Among the Stars
Age: 36
Posts: 5,837
Originally posted by Daniel:
Hi My riddle supply has grown since the last riddles thread so I thought seeing as the last ones were so popular I would post some more

Here is a link to the last thread if you haven't seen them:
Here is the new material to boggle your minds:

1) I reside in containers and cans,
You can see and feel me,
But I do not affect the capacity of the can in any way.
I am weightless, colorless, and odorless.

What am I?


2) I am the center of gravity,
hold a capital situation in Vienna,
and as I am foremost in every victory,
am allowed by all to be invaluable.
Though I am invisible,
I am clearly seen in the midst of a river.
I could name three who are in love with me
and have three associates in vice.
It is vain that you seek me for
I have long been in heaven yet even now lie
embalmed in the grave.

What am I?

3) I start with "e"
and end with "e"
but contain only one letter.

What am I?


4) I can bring a smile to your face,
a tear to your eye,
or even a thought to your mind;
but I can't be seen

What am I?

5) I can be found where anything cannot; dead men
eat me all the time. but if a living man eats me,
he'll die.

What am I?

----Nothing again.

6) If life gets tough, what do you have that you
can always count on?


7) Lives in winter, dies in summer, grows with
its root upwards.

What is it?

8) What asks no questions but requires a lot of answers?

9) How is a deck of cards like a wolf?

10) I can be cool, but I can't be cold,
I can be sorry, but I can't be guilty,
I can be spooked, but I can't be scared,
I can be sweet, but I can't be friendly,
I can be flammable, but I can't burn.

What am I?

----double letters. (ex. oo)

As usual I will give people a chance to answer before posting any answers, so get these minds working.
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