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Old 04-23-2002, 08:36 PM   #118
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Breukelen (over the river from New Amsterdam)
Age: 52
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Originally posted by Sir Michael:
So, Yorick, you didn't speak to my can you explain people, who in the name of organized religion, espouse viewpoints like those of Jack Chick or that Mac guy??? It's not exactly conducive to good feelings about religion if I have been told (as I have, many times) that I am going straight to hell if I don't follow such and such religion.

Also, I don't think most people are as tolerant and open-minded as you (well, to a point--you won't allow anyone to question the existence of God or faith or religion, but you will tolerate other faiths). I know several Christians and Mormons, and you can't believe the intolerance and hatred they have for one another. And don't even get my started on what they think of Jews. It's not strong enough to escalate to hate crimes, but it strikes me as dangerous nonetheless.
How do I explain Jack Chick, and the Mac guy? Simple. They are Americans. I don't think most Americans are as tolerant and open minded as you (well to a point - you won't allow anyone to tell you how beautiful humanity is) I know several African Americans and Italian Americans and you won't believe the intolerance and hatred they have for one another. And don't even get me started on what they think of the Jews.....

Generalisations are of the devil are they not? If you see an open minded Christian before then it means a Christian CAN be open minded. It doesn't mean all are.

As far as allowing debate? Am I not debating? I don't agree with someone who says there is no God. Never have I said someone can't say that. Heck!

Part of my reaction is the failure to contain my desire to share Gods love. My Granddad described Christianity as being "one hungry beggar, telling another hungry beggar where to find bread."

Well, sometimes I feel like blurting out where the food is. So you can share it.

I'm not going to get all hurt if you refuse. [img]smile.gif[/img]
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