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Old 04-18-2002, 12:16 PM   #6

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Originally posted by Avatar:
sounds familiar? What is it with the Americans and killing friendly or neutral forces?

They bomb the Chinese Embassy, knockout Albanian Tanks, blow up their own Marines and now kill Canadian troops.

Apparently the pilot who is a national guard (part-time) was under fire and thought the Canadians had fired upon him.
What is not clear is whether he was actually hit by enemy fire and then fired on Canadians nearby...
He saw Canadians firing at ground dummies in an excercise and panicked and fired at them.
A very crass and unkind comment in the wake of a terrible tradgedy.
Accidents happen every day, things go wrong. Live fire training exercises by definition are dangerous.

The heartfelt condolences and sympathy from the US armed Forces and most of the US populace goes out to our fellow warriors who were killed or wounded in this accident. The Canadian troops in the field who were comrades to the fallen have publicly stated their commitment to this cause and are still steadfast allies.

I see you decided to make a callous post about your political views rather than to express your sorrow at the loss of life of 4 very fine young men. Says a lot about your character.