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Old 04-24-2002, 11:33 AM   #82
User suspended until [Feb13]

Join Date: December 6, 2001
Location: the south side of ol virginny
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Why is it that so few americans see things like most of europeans? Information of course, medias!
Just compare any large US media coverage of the middle-east crisis (or venezuela) with, for example, The Independent (UK). Next time you go on CNN, also check, and compare the way the events are covered.
well not that many people are watching cnn over here anymore.but if you think it's unbalanced to report that a head of state who also heads a terrorist organization is responsible for what is happening in the mid-east,then oh well.israel just reacted to arafats attacks.
BTW, i'm not saying everybody is thinking the same way in the US. In fact, most of the opposition to Dubya's regime come from the inside.
They are many, but they are voiceless. No corporate corporate media will publish them, but they are there.
Try this: (his last book is great!)
michael moore is one of the most full of shit people i have ever seen on tv(pardon my language).even when i was a leftist i felt he was too far to the left.if this country was run the way he wished it would break up.he is a hack.
Khazadman, are you army or ex army, by any chance? Just idle curiousity....
nope.i crushed my ankle when i was 17 and that kept me out.otherwise i would have joined(was talking to the recruiter at the time).i was VERY disapointed.
Just to bring you down to earth a tad - what America did to help Europe after the second world war was great. However, don't run away with the idea that it was disinterested altruism. Basically, it was about rebuilding markets. The US economy needs the European market to thrive, always has. Sheer native hardheaded shrewdness prompted that decision. I'm not knocking it, just pointing out the way it is.
but don't forget that much of what was done over there was not governmental.there were alot of people who volunteered to help over there.private citizens and churches donated money and sent people over seas.
Hmm. Interesting. 'The world might be a pretty screwed up place if it wasn't for US.' Really? So from where you're sitting, it doesn't look screwed up even with your involvement?
are you saying that it would be a better place if we had allowed the communists free reign.
Take the situation in Palestine, for instance. You don't think American backing of Israel for lo, these many many moons might have something to do with the current situation in the middle east? (Although you probably don't know the full sum of it. The American media have reported the confict in a very one sided way so far, with a couple of exceptions.)
there is only one side.israel=good,palestinians=bad.israel is willing to co-exist with the palestinians.but the palestinians leaders only wish for the destruction of israel.and theeir leaders kill any who question their dictator arafat.and don't give me that crap about his being elected.hitler was also voted into power.
Hmm. This 80% approval rating. You don't think it might possibly have something to do with the war in Afghanistan, the proposed action against Iraq, etc? Politicians love war - it really can save their bacon for them. Bushie wasn't looking too clever til the Twin Towers, - it might have been a disaster for America, but it sure was pie in the sky for him. Saved by the death knell, you might say.
actually bushes approval ratings were in the mid 60's at the time of the attack.his average rating was as good as clinton's at his best.
Margeret Thatchers rating shot up when she took us to war against Argentina, in the fight for the Falkland islands. If a politician knows how to manipulate public opinion cleverly, (ie. understands the nation s/he's heading) then war can just what the doctor ordered. Some of us have wondered about Bush's insane stance towards Iraq. Could it be that with the effects of the Afghan campaign on the wane, he needs a new issue to jump up and down about?
so maggy was supposed to just leave the people of the falklands to the mercies of the argentinian dictator?
But it was only a question of time. Of course when the cold war ended, America had to find a new enemy.
then you don't know a god damned thing about us if that is what you think.we would be happy if all the nations of the world were democracies who allowed their people to live in peace.then we wouldn't have to waste our money defending other people.
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