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Old 04-16-2002, 10:08 PM   #2
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 27, 2002
Location: South Florida
Age: 37
Posts: 29
1: Nutrition? The idea of bottled water is that it's purified by putting in lots of chemicals so that all the harmful stuff is removed. Water isn't supposed to be nutritional. All the filtering just takes away the bad stuff.

2: I've never had a bottle that eroded before I drank the contents.

3: No. But you wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway.

Bottled water is good when you go to a country that doesn't filter the water the same as in the US, like Mexico and most of the rest of Latin America. It's not that their water is bad, its just that our systems are used to lots of chemicals and stuff. I wouldn't be suprised if someone from another country got sick from all the chemicals in our water.

So why bother in the US? I don't know. Maybe it's because people just like the bottles. I do.
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