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Old 04-16-2002, 01:57 PM   #19

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Originally posted by Rikard_OHF:

ME MAGIK knows that compared to the other choices the USA IS the greater good.

I don't come by that opinion lightly or uninformed. You should know that the American public,(Im referencing a poll from the midwest not from the liberal college campi) is really sick of trying to help here and there and getting jack shit in response. When and IF the USA decides to do things is up to us, and trying to bitch us into doing it sooner just gets us pissed off.

And just in case you think I blindly follow President Bush...Im totaly against his pressuring Israel to withdraw their troops.

You know, The USA is not the BE all and END all but it is a step in the right direction. The rights and laws we set in this country have led to better living conditions for people all around the world, including england and europe.....nothing is perfect tho so we keep fine tuning, hopefully it works for the better and not worse. Asia in particular has a sever disconnect with the west where human life and it's value is concerned...we didn't create that outlook on life and yet the USA is blamed for it....ahhh never mind
Magik the fact asia has diffent views doesn;t make that bad the fact you think it is says enough (edited)

About Isreal
Isreal is as much to blaim as the palastins maybe more
The only way you can find a solution is to stop attacking one another and cease fire

About the US being the greater good
NO western country has as much people who are really poor as the US
Most European countries don;t let people down who can;t find a job or who are injured
But i guess that's hard to understand for a rightwinger[/QB][/QUOTE]Yeah it says that being the father of a little girl and boy means I detest any culture that kills off its female children or forcibly mutilates them or sells them into slavery...Yes I am quite biggoted...Im sure you would have the same view had your parents had that kind of thoughts about the worth of their would you like to be sold as property? I think you wouldn't. How would you like to have your clitorus sliced off with a knife for the religious zeal of some ancient monk?? Im sure you w0ould find that quite fun...yes I think that many asian and middle eastern cultures are horribly, unspeakably barbaric and I do detest them...if that makes me a racist or be it.

As for the Israeli issue, the tactic you suggest has been tried and failed so many times its hard to cuont them all, there is another solution, just kill all the palistinians....that would end the conflict, but no one really likes that idea so it isn't going to happen. Israel has had plenty of provocation to go in and occupy all of the west bank, but thats just an opinion and it is irrelevant, since the stated goal of the PLO and the surrounding arab nations is the elimination of the jews, I do believe the Israelis have the right to do whatever they deem nesecary to survive as a race and a nation.

[ 04-16-2002, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: MagiK ]