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Old 04-16-2002, 07:05 AM   #21
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: January 9, 2002
Location: Mt. Gambier, Australia
Age: 36
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Originally posted by LennonCook:
Originally posted by Glorfindel:
Originally posted by ladyzekke:
Originally posted by Glorfindel:
Well it will get pretty warm down here in Mt. G.... Unfortunately the Fly's are already out and buzzing around in all directions.... Could b an interesting day [img]smile.gif[/img]
I know what you mean, is the worst thing that comes with the warm weather, bugs!! Mosquitos especially. If you find yourself in a wooded or bushy or grassy area, the mosquitos eat you alive around here. I remember a two summers ago when we lived in this woodsy surrounded house, I'd go out to the pond to feed the fish, just would run top speed, toss in food, run back inside. Still got bit at LEAST three times. Damn bites would itch for at least a week, and when the bump went down, this red rash took its place, kinda creepy, cause we have that West Nile Virus frequently here Of course, you can spray down with DEAT (an ingredient in many bug spray repellants), works well if you spray it everywhere on every single inch of your body (those bugs I swear can find a dime sized area that you missed with the spray and hone in on it!). Thing is, it is poison you are spraying on your skin, I don't use that stuff often cause it says on the spraycan not to keep it on your skin but for so long, ack. What happens if you do? ?

Roaches, ticks, mosquitos, three bugs that I'd personally like to see wiped off the planet, as they have no useful function as far as I can see vs. other bugs. Just my thoughts on the subject. [img]smile.gif[/img]
[/QUOTE] The worst place to get a mozzie bite is inside your ear... I got one about a month ago and I couldnt hear out that ear cause the lump was so big it clogged up most of my left ear.... it was SOOO annoying.
[/QUOTE] Did you scratch it ??
[/QUOTE] Obviously I cant understand your text... and No i didnt scratch it because It was in my ear and scratching it would have made it worse (Ir you are wondering I know what you wrote cause of tha qoute )
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