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Old 04-10-2002, 07:16 PM   #15
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
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ahhhh....deep philosophical debate *rolls up sleeves*

I really don't think we can truly answer this one. Because it all depends on what your definition of a "Healthy Relationship" is. (not to mention what a "Healthy Person" is) If two people are in a relationship where one person is getting physically abused, but their previous relationship they were getting raped and mentally abused, isn't their only physically abusive relationship much more "healthy" for them? Or the couple that has lived together for 25 years of marriage, never fights, respect's each other's work, has 3 beautiful daughters, but hasn't slept in the same room for 8 years and freely admits that they don't "love" each other anymore. Is that a "Healthy" relationship? Each person knows where they stand, what they are going to get out of it, and is happy about it?

Personally, I have a hard time having a relationship with others before I got my relationship with myself and my relationship with myself and my Deity first. Can't love someone else before you can allow yourself to love you...and then the whole God-fearing/loving thing...

It's a very good question that I'm sure if you asked 100 people, you would get 100 view points. Best part is, for them, they are all correct. One can argue the many points that has been put on this board with different angles and you are both going to be correct from your viewpoint. [img]smile.gif[/img]

If it makes you truly happy, good. If you look into the mirror at 4 am and no one is around and you can look into the mirror and are happy with what you see in your relationship, then it really doesn't matter what other's thing. Be happy, for happiness is a truly fleeting commodity.

The Black Storm Cloud of the Night - Consort to a Queen- Champion of Truth, Justice and Cloudy's Way - Captain of the Knights of the Golden Dragons - Heart, Mind, and Soul- Newbie at Heart - ()xxxxxxxxxxxxx{}:::::::::::::::::::::>
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