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Old 04-04-2002, 10:24 AM   #8

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Originally posted by norompanlasolas:
not condoning what the suicide terrorists are doing, i think one has to look at the causes of things. why a 16 year old girl decides to strap on explosives and die killing as much israelis as they can? people have a right to resist. you cant expect to put a gun to somebodys head, occupy their house, sistematically kill their children, and then pretend that nothings happened and be surprised when theres retaliation.

terrorism is ALWAYS a bad thing, and especially when aimed at civilians. but, as i said before, you have to look at things in perspective. for example, terrorism in argentina during the 70s (montoneros, erp, etc) was aimed at the military ruling the country (who murdered more than 30,000 people for their ideas). it was a way of resisting opression, and nowadays people who were in the military are scorned by society (well, most of it), whilst the so called terrorists are worthy of praise.

the israelis with their occupation and represion of the palestinian people, are doing, to an extent, what the nazis did to them. its a broad comparison, but its one that has been made by jose saramago (nobel prize of literature), and that whilst a little broad has its reasons to be. arafat cannot control all of his people, but if he dies or is incarcereted, all of what is left of the peace process will die with him. sharon wants to do just that, obviously, since his ultimate goal is to permanently annex the occupied territorries and that cant happen if a peace agreement is reached.
And just why are the Israelis occupying ...because they were suffering attacks....but in the end, every single time that Israel has gone to the peace table in the last 20 years the Palistinians blow up a bunch of innocent people to scuttle the talks. Kinda sucks when you are being persecuted...but it sucks even more when you bring it on your self.