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Old 03-27-2002, 07:33 PM   #40
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
Posts: 3,168
**this is the reason people come and stay here - great discussions where no one is ranting and flaming - just a good banter discussion - [img]smile.gif[/img] **

*BK steps up to the Microphone, takes off his helmet and speaks*

Why is going to school important? I had my favorite teacher in high school once say that it is not what you learn, it's how you learn it. The most important thing to learn is how to learn. Problem solving skills is what you are really learning. How to balance many different tasks at once while having a social life. Learning how to turn a HUGH problem into a bunch of little problems. How to interact with people in position of authority as well as people around you (social skills).

While having many different types of classes may, at first, seem not necessary, it is, and here is why: it points you in proper place for your future employments and enjoyments. How do you know you won't like, say, Shakespear unless you have been introduced to it. Or how would you know if you want to be an engineer if you've never had geometry. Or maybe, just maybe, politics is your choice. Those history classes may be what sparks you into being one of the great leaders of our world in the 2nd half of the 21st century. There are going to be subjects that are not your best/favorite. How you handle them shows a lot about yourself.

*BK steps off of soapbox and slowly walks away putting his helmet back on*

The Black Storm Cloud of the Night - Consort to a Queen- Champion of Truth, Justice and Cloudy's Way - Captain of the Knights of the Golden Dragons - Heart, Mind, and Soul- Newbie at Heart - ()xxxxxxxxxxxxx{}:::::::::::::::::::::>
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