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Old 04-01-2002, 07:21 PM   #26
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
Posts: 3,168
Originally posted by The.Relic:
BS I know what you mean. Alot of us old Blue Boarders were members of both IW and BG Dungeon Tavern both. The Tavern was a great place, but the seeds of discord and controversy were just too prominent which ultimately led to their demise. IW in those days was a close knit group of people, we were more like a family of friends rather than the controversy and flaming that overcame the Tavern. I have seen too many boards go down the drain due to controversy and flaming, the lack of which makes IW so great and one of the many reasons why IW stands the test of time.
Well..I'm not saying we haven't had our ups and down....I took a couple of weeks away due to some unrest and posting wars with other boards...but I was more than happy to come back to the happy little on-line community that we call IW...

The Black Storm Cloud of the Night - Consort to a Queen- Champion of Truth, Justice and Cloudy's Way - Captain of the Knights of the Golden Dragons - Heart, Mind, and Soul- Newbie at Heart - ()xxxxxxxxxxxxx{}:::::::::::::::::::::>
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