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Old 03-20-2002, 12:33 AM   #1
Ironworks Webmaster

     Bow to the Meow


Join Date: January 4, 2001
Location: Lakeland, Florida
Age: 51
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Just to let everyone know, I have set Ironworks to be up at Nighttime. (EST -5 Nightime). Reason is, when daytime comes, so does my friend into his office (this old server) and if the forum is slowing down too much, he turns OFF -- he has to, I totally understand--he also has his ISP's dial-up software and billing software on there. So what I'm trying to do is atleast keep Ironworks UP --even if you atleast see a message that the forum will be upgraded to a new server is BETTER than a '404 error'. Atleast people will know whats up. but at night, when his office is closed, we are ok I think--we HAVE had a few times where it was so slow, I couldn't even get in, but atleast we're here.. Damn, it'll be nice to get the new server.. JEEZ! [img]smile.gif[/img] HURRY! HURRY FED EX!!
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