Thread: Nukes?
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Old 03-12-2002, 11:18 AM   #17

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by /)eathKiller:

Low economy and everything all created by US pressure

hmm... well whatever..

DK dude, don't you get it?? That was the whole plan. The USA needed and the world NEEDED the cold war to end. Ronald Reagan (and his administration) capped a 40 year campaign by the USA by coming up with the "Star Wars" plan. "Star Wars" was never a seriously intended weapons system (just enough resources were allocated to make the soviets think it was), it was a brilliantly played psyche job that forced the Soviet (not russian) economy to collapse by trying to counter what it THOUGHT was a serious threat to its stategic missile command. The Cold war was a precarious balance labled the MAD doctrine, MAD standing for Mutually Assured Destruction which basicly ment that any slip or goof ment that the whole world would be destroyed and neither side could win. Id rather see the Soviet union in an economic shambles and the people have to recover from that than to see the whole world as a blasted radioactive wasteland.