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Old 03-09-2002, 07:42 AM   #48
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Airstrip One
Age: 40
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Originally posted by MagiK:
This is a mass response to several comments. I have been accused of being in wonder over peoples ignornace [img]smile.gif[/img] while not seeing my own...acutlaly I know there are many many many subjects I know nothing about. I know there are things I don't understand...but I also know that there are a few things I really do know. I what I really do know deals with the issues of right and wrong, with good and evil, with terror and hate. I KNOW about evil people. I have killed evil people, I have had attacks made on me by evil people.

I know for certain how to deal with honestly ruthless people. I know how to protect my family, my friends and my country men. I also know that as long as people like me are out THERE doing the things I know how to do as well as we do, then those of you who don't know can live comfortable lives safe from true terror and go to school, raise children and live in a world of reletive safety and come to believe that there are no really evil people, and that kindness and hugs can solve all the worlds woes. The thread about evil and how everyone thought there were no truely evil people, just people who didnt have what they needed and such tripe...really did show me just how ignorant SOME people can be.

I will admit that Azurewolf and others on here have differing ideas, and I will admit that because of what I have faced I cannot accept those ideas. I will argue my side of the case...but one thing I will not say is that those opinions are useless. I just find them terribly frustrating...and some times frightening.

MagiK, how have you managed to turn a discussion about world politics, trade tariffs and hypocrisy in politics into a debate about terror and good and evil?
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> <br />Proud member of the Axis of Upheaval<br />Official Titterer of the Laughing Hyenas<br />Josiah Bartlet - the best President the US never had.<br />The 1st D in the D & D Show
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