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Old 03-06-2002, 10:12 PM   #8

Posts: n/a
You were very fortunate to have survived that night and I am glad you did. [img]smile.gif[/img]

I have no personal tales of near death to share as many times as I have nearly died in traumatic incidents, I have mostly remained conscious enough to still be alive (technically).

I did used to mess around with out of body experiences as a teenager and floating around my bedroom while my body remained in my bed was cool but I never felt like I had control...just the thought of being back in myself would make it so, so I never got to go too far LOL.

I sincerly hope that when I actually die that there is no one there to resuscitate me, so much so that I have been considering getting a medic-alert bracelet that says so. I have friends who are EMT's and the things they do to people in order to bring them back to life are both horrendous and painful.