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Old 03-07-2002, 06:18 PM   #16

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Originally posted by fable:

Seems to me you recall correctly, and I never denied this. The issue isn't the trickiness of Bush Sr or Clinton, or the squall Reagan had, but that these preceding administrations had left Carter's Presidential Order in place. It was policy. It was a goal, a statement of purpose. Now, the administration has publically reversed policy. As I see it, it's like the difference between a somewhat rocky but workable marriage, and a declaration by one partner that they're going to separate and file for divorce.

Just a comment about the Carter Administration...While I truely believe that Jimmy Carter was probably the most honest and moral president we are ever going to have in this is also true that his honesty and morals prevented him from accomplishing anything in his term in office, and can be argued to have caused the current instability in the middle east by his rescinding this countrys support for the Shaw of Iran. With Iran reverting back to the hard core Ayahtola religious leadership kicking off an all out war with Iraq forcing the USA and other nations to throw support to Iraq to help stabilize the supplies of was ugly and the fall out is still being felt.