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Old 03-04-2002, 02:45 AM   #22
Aelia Jusa
Iron Throne Cult
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Join Date: August 23, 2001
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Age: 43
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Originally posted by Moni:

You're very welcome. [img]smile.gif[/img]

You know, the eyes can really tell you alot about an infants comprehension of what is going on about them. A newborn can recognize their parents within two months of age!

I know in my experiences with my own son that he could understand what I was saying and we could communicate even though at the time we developed communication between us (beyond his crying because he was wet, dirty or hungry) he was only 7-9 months old and could not yet speak...a kind of yes/no process of communication but there was more to it than just yes or no...there was understanding between us as to what he meant with certain hand motions and facial expressions.

Myself, as far back as I can remember, I cannot ever remember not knowing what people were saying until the "president" thing and I can remember things from when I was crawling and had a bottle, as well as a recurring dream I had for the first seven years of my had always been with me.

I believe we are born with the ability to think, at least that what I can derive from my own memories and from my experience raising a baby.

Yes, I certainly believe that babies of a very young age understand a lot about the world around them. They are certainly forming attachments and able to communicate their needs in ways that they know will be heard before they acquire language. And perhaps we are born with the ability to think. But this still leads me back to my original question - if babies are thinking before they have language, how do they do it?
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