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Old 02-26-2002, 05:25 PM   #5
Takhisis Follower

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Mandurah, West Australia
Age: 60
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Gee, not enough time to type it up right now (got to go to work), but the exploits of "Bruce the Bad" need to be told in greater detail. Bruce was your typical klutz barbarian - or should I say SUPER-KLUTZ. General rules on fumbles and "hit nearest friend" didn't seem to apply to Bruce - for some reason the Las Vegas dice gods ruled that Bruce had about a 60% fumble rate. Nothing stopped a crowded bar room brawl faster than "Bruce pulls out his loaded Arbelist" - friend and foe alike knew to get the hell out. Whenever Bruce entered a fight, the whole party was suddenly very interested in not being very close to Bruce.

Will return this afternoon to immortlise some of the "Bruce exploits" in print .
Davros was right - just ask JD
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