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Old 02-26-2002, 08:15 PM   #13
Micah Foehammer
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: November 15, 2001
Location: Asheville, NC
Posts: 3,253
As for point buy systems, you can choose almost any method you want.

Here are just a couple of options:
(1) Your method: Start with all 9's and give players 25 to 30 points to distribute on 1 for 1 basis with no stat above 18 UNLESS racial modifications apply.
(2) All 9's, plus fixed number of points to spend except any stat over 16 costs 2 for 1 and exceptional strength costs an additional 2 points
(3) Give them a fixed number of points (say 85) to distribute anyway they want. No stat over 18 except for racial mods.

(4) Roll 4d6 for each stat - keep the highest 3
(5) Roll 3d6 and reroll all 1's and 2's
(The last two aren't point buy but they do work well)

BTW, I didn;t realize when you first posted that you had a ranger and a paladin in the group with the person wanting to play an evil character. In that case, absolutely forbid him to play that character - he'll be dead the first night.
“Every tavern’s an opportunity, I say.”  783
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