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Old 02-24-2002, 06:46 PM   #2
Micah Foehammer
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: November 15, 2001
Location: Asheville, NC
Posts: 3,253
LOL ... now THAT sounds like a unique group.

As for some advice - well, at least you are starting off with the right idea; to wit, tying to make the game fun for everyone.

Now some specifics:
For player 1, if he wants absurdly high stats, it's going to be a challenge to you to keep things balanced. You can always simply refuse to let him have stats that are unbalanced - but you didn;t list specifics so I am not sure HOW unreasonable his stats are. Some solutions: (1) Tailor magic items so that his character can't get TOO many (alignment restrictions or class restrictions work well) so that he overbalances the campaign. Don't totally deprive him, but just be careful with what you dole out. (2) Devise some way early on to "steal" some of his stats and work that into the campaign. A special curse may work wonders. [img]smile.gif[/img] This guy can totally unbalance the campaign if you are not careful.

For player 4, Try to dissuade him if at all possible from having an alignment that is significantly opposed to the group. Failing that, remember that YOU are the DM and if you really dont want evil characters in your campaign, then tell him so. If he can't be dissuaded, and you still want him in the game, then you might consider asking him to come up with a written history and description of his character - make him justify his silly stats and why a character of evil alignment would fit in with this group. If he can do that, then you might consider letting him play what he wants. Remind him that the rest of the characters may just decide that any evil acts he commits may not be tolerated (depending on their alignments) and they may eventually ask his character to leave the group (or worse). This person may be tougher to deal with than the first one as he can potentially tear the entire group apart. on the other hand, he might be a lot of fun if he can successfully roleplay his character. [img]smile.gif[/img]

“Every tavern’s an opportunity, I say.”  783
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