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Old 02-23-2002, 07:52 PM   #9

Join Date: October 4, 2001
Location: Kingdom of the West,..P.o. Cynagus
Posts: 4,212
Originally posted by Ronn_Bman:
Arvon, if you don't necessarily want to go to the trouble of creating a site because you only want to host some pics, then check with your provider. You should be able to use the space they provide you for storage instead.

My old dial-up provided me with 5mg and a little program to upload files. It worked like your computer's directory tree. My current provider offers quite a bit more space, but I have to use an ftp program to upload to my site(I use the term loosely because it's just a folder full of files), but it's very simple. Thanks for the info. I'll e-mail them and ask....

If that's all you need it for, it works great, and if I can figure it out ANYONE

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