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Old 02-21-2002, 08:02 AM   #55

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The whole body madification thing...just escapes my understanding. Permanently altering your body seems kind of silly and smacks of a lack of self esteem, I believe I was born with just enough orifices and don't particularly care to be perforated. As for tatoos...again, I don't understand it and don't really find it attractive at all. I like my art on canvas not on my skin. It is a shame that people are made to feel that in order to stand out, they must mutilate their bodies. In ages past it was believed that you could gain powers and abilities through figures drawn on your body...I kind of thought we had evolved beyond that idea....ahhh well It is HIS body after all and he is free to do to it what he pleases.

Functional modifications now are a whole different thing...such as laser eye surgery, implants of various natures, etc....just thought I would add this...

[ 02-21-2002: Message edited by: MagiK ]