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Old 02-20-2002, 03:39 AM   #111
Welcomed New User

Join Date: February 20, 2002
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 2
I have smoked alot of pot. I still do occasionally but not very often, and not often enough to consitute being a pot head.

Anyone who has smoked knows that pot will slow you down. Hell, smoke a few joints and have somone talk to you, you won't even be able to respond or you will be saying 'huh? what?'. You ever driven high? I have. It sucks, the after effects of pot slow you down. Driving is like a chore and you become distracted with other things, you get the twitches and shakes. You are constantly looking for those cops behind you.

Somtimes when I smoke I would get very paraniod. I went off on on of my friends for just looking at me wrong, you think stuf that isn't real and you can't make sense of it.

Simply, marjiuanna is a very potent drug. A little bit can go a long way, and for those who are not prepared to deal with the effects it can cause serious harm to them and others.

Legalize it? God you have to be kidding me. This drug will take control of peoples lives and tear it to shreds. Oh yea, it can - I have seen it happen. I don't think I want my kids out of thye street corner blowin' kill. I know what it can do to you, how it can alter your preception and that is not a good way to live your life.

~~~Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici~~~
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