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Old 02-12-2002, 06:09 PM   #1

Join Date: March 21, 2001
Location: Lancs, England
Age: 39
Posts: 4,729
I couldnt find a news article, so it's in my own words :

This morning at 6.45am, two asians robbed a boeing 777, and got away with a clean $7million in used USD.

They drove up beside the 777, in a Brittish Airways van. The plane, which had just touched down from Bahrain, unloaded its cargo. It gave the money to a man in another BA van, who was then tied up after declining to give the money over to the fake workers, who were wearing full ID and uniform. They then put the $7million USD in a van, and drove off, out of Heathrow Airport, and then unloaded the cash into a new vehicle, and escaped.

* This was at Heathrow airport. The robbery occured at a high security point.

*A question that has been posed by many people is, if people can get in and steal $7mUSD, how easy it is for them to get in their, and plant a bomb.

Security is facing a dramatic facelift, as Heathrow tries to tighten its security in future.

(Sorry if its worded badly, I'm tired.)
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