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Old 02-08-2002, 04:56 PM   #23
Aelia Jusa
Iron Throne Cult
Tetris Champion
Join Date: August 23, 2001
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Age: 43
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Originally posted by Legolas:

That looks kind of like our own cat Flosje (I don't know who thopught up the name but it wasn't me ). She's a grey cat too, and though she's not of a pure breed she does come closest to being a Blue Russian herself [img]smile.gif[/img]

All she does is make strange sounds almost all the time, probably because she dares not go out and hasn't seen or heard another cat in years and because she constantly wants attention and someone to point out where her food is, even though she knows, and someone to open the doors, even though she can do that herself, and get cat treats.
Oh, and she always stands on her hind legs when it's dinner time for us, leaning the front legs against the table and looking at you like she's starving and really really needs the food you're eating, only to put her nose into it and leave it lying on the ground [img]smile.gif[/img]

It's like she's telling us to be her loyal and obedient servants or get a headache

She might have some Russian Blue in her. Does she have a really thick coat? Russians have double coats, really thick and squidgy and soft and gorgeous.

LOL when Tuppence was little she used to sit ON the dining table when we were eating and stare down into our plates. She didn't want to eat anything either, just cause mischief
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