Thread: Arledrian
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Old 02-08-2002, 08:53 AM   #36

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: London, England
Age: 53
Posts: 5,164
Originally posted by Arledrian:
Hello everyone [img]smile.gif[/img]

Well, I have been rather busy the past two weeks (rushed off my feet with exams) but I have wanted to keep a low profile around here lately. I've just been having a few problems recently and thought it best to give Ironworks a break. But several people have managed to talk some sense into me, which I am glad for as I tend to get over-sensitive sometimes and am thus wont to overreact. But I am starting to feel better again, so it looks like we'll be seeing more of each other from now on.

I want to thank everyone for their kind words. You have shown yourselves to be true friends. I am thankful to know such wonderful people and appreciate the support you have given me - not just in this instance, but all throughout my time here. I have missed this place.

Hi there, I have been away from my desk for a couple of days so missed this thread, but want to say welcome back - I was wondering where you had gone!

Saz - lol, that is my favourite Latin saying, nice to see it in use!

'K&Z'- I know I'm not alone in saying that I would love to see Jerome back at IW - he's a great guy and I miss him. If it would be of any help to tell him I said so, please, please, pass that message on.
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