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Old 08-07-2002, 06:21 PM   #9
Andrew Mcveigh
Drow Warrior

Join Date: August 1, 2002
Location: Burnaby, BC
Age: 37
Posts: 250
i had problems here too, so here are some tips...
first, use a whole lot of magic attacks on Irenicus, until he leaves (he won't die, he'll flee.) second, don't worry about the clones, they suck most of the time, if one of the clones is doing too much damage kill it for they are pretty weak. third, after you make jon flee, kill the assassins or whatever they are called, they come at about the same time as yoshimo. if you have disabled yoshimos invisibility kill him as well. once yoshi and assassins are gone, kill the clones. then save. this may take time, but after 4 tries i beat it.

1. Don't worry, you'll be able to go back and do the side quests of athkatla.
2. Don't give up you wimp! just kidding. but don't quit.
3. The Two Towers is gonna be better than the first one, as i have seen much stuff on it's making and the story is better too.
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