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Old 01-30-2002, 07:02 PM   #1
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Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: VT, USA
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Pardon me my musings, but....

Today on VPR (Vermont Public Radio)I heard a story about a Rutland man, either accused or guilty of murder getting the death penalty which was approved by Attorney General Ashcroft and something struck me about the story.

Last year I sort of remember Ashcroft denying terminally ill patients the right to an assisted suicide (in Washington or Oregon, I think).

I find odd that he seems to have no problem recommending people who don't want to die to a death sentence, but denies people who want to die, the right to die with dignity.

Forgive me if I'm out of line, but I find the second part of it sad. I do feel that if i want to die I should be able to make that choice when the time comes (if I am sane enough to make the choice, of course.

On another completely different note, I think he is a little more than odd, when he wants statues that are nude to be covered if the statues are behind him when he speaks in public. These are statues that have been in place for many years before he was born and they never caused a stir for anyone else. He's a very strange man.

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