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Old 01-31-2002, 09:25 AM   #75

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by WOLFGIR:
About hunting magik, their are alot of evidence from archelogy digs that shows lately that women participated in the hunt along side men, some cultures even had the lions approach, the males stayed home and the women provided food, including hunting.

In egypt, under the reign of certain pharaoes and under Cleopatra theri were certain cavalier units consisting only female warriors. In some cultures women today are treated like shit. In some cultures women fight alongside men against injustices aremd to the teeth.

We are first and foremost tooluser adaptable like hell to any environment. These discussions marking words and phrases here and then is as creative as a bridge in Albania.. Why the heck never ever HOW can we make something better? What can we do to allow men and women to be the best they can without loosing integrity???

To me that is far more important, but that is just me..

[ 01-31-2002: Message edited by: WOLFGIR ]

Wolfie I have repeatedly and repeatedly acknowledged that there were exceptions to my generalization ...tthe Amazon Warriors, the egyptian cavalry units you mention yes they existed..but were not the NORM It was HIGHLY unusual for men to go into battle and find themselves confronting females...It did happen...some times the females one the battle but in most cases (that I have read about) the Female warriors were wiped out..the Amazons didn't disappear by accident. Name a single country in this world today dominated by females, where Women run the government, own most of the property, make most of the laws....Is there such a place? I know of a few women leaders but where do the women totaly dominate..In the USA one of the countries that usually brags about its equal opportunity we still do not have parity for women at the top levels of industry or government. No women President, Vice President....there is a big gap at the top of industry too.