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Old 01-29-2002, 11:46 AM   #21
20th Level Warrior

Join Date: September 6, 2001
Location: The lighter side of life, a.k.a. Newnan, Georgia
Age: 55
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That is the main reason I thought I'd try to help, dearest Elflet. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Everyone seemed to be having such difficulties worrying with exchanging currency. This way, no exchange is necessary. And I'll have much less to need to exchange once I move. So everyone wins. [img]smile.gif[/img]

As to the PayPal fee...I don't know exactly how that works (eg - what percentage they take for the transfer) or if it should be considered taken out of the donator's pocket or from the receiving party. But I am more than willing to forgo worring about any fees charged to me (they HAVE to be minimal - I use Billpoint for my eBay and it's hardly worth mentioning) don't worry about that, guys. Send a little extra if you want to, but don't stress over it.

In the end, it all goes to serve the greater good: Emperor Choc!
(hehehe [img]tongue.gif[/img] )
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> [img]\"ubb/noncgi/smiles/hero2.gif\" alt=\" - \" /> <br />Alureth...Dragon friend of Lady Breanna<br /><br />Co-Owner/Operator of the Evil Petting Zoo and devout member of the HADB clan.<br />Commander of the Dragon Fleet, IW Peacekeeping Force<br />Mother Hen of IW and Mage extraordinaire.<br /><br />Utterly in love with my soul mate, Hiram.
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