Thread: hey Hugh
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Old 01-27-2002, 05:01 AM   #22
Konfuzed and Zany

Join Date: November 2, 2001
Location: Bed
Posts: 247
Originally posted by Legolas:
Okay, I confess. It was me all along. I used to be M, or Medd, but I quit before they bacame famous. So, as a means of revenge, I had the other members of the band seperated, and forced them to live inside other people's heads.
Take, for example, Rikard. I know you all think Rikard and Konfuzed are one and the same, but in reality, one was a pink fluffy and slightly rectangular ball of hair, teh other was human. I'll leave you to ponder which was which, but in any case, I improsoned Konfuzed in Rikard.

Every once in a while, the Konfuzed in him takes over and tries to get his human body back. This mostly happens when Konfuzed is close to his other two bandmembers, as that is when their power is strongest. But usually, you can hear Rikad talking.
Unlike people who have a split personality, Rikard has two different beings in his own mind.

And how else would you explain that Lioness is, indeed, female, whereas & is definately a Mr.?

No, it was me all along. I know you are expecting me to say I am sorry, but I am not. Those three got what they deserved, and probably even less. It was unfortunate that three people had to suffer because of it, but such is the way with things.

As for myself, I too have been banished to a mortal's mind. Such was the price of my vengeance, but it has been well worth it.
It has taken me years to take control of this body, and force it's spirit to retreat back into it's natural elven form, but now I have almost done it. Still, I sense hidden reserves in that Legolas character, and I think he plans to fight back. But by the time he does,it will be too late, and I, Medd, will once more be set loose upon this world, and start my solo singing career! :bwuhahahahaha!!!:


You thought you were so smart Arrowboy
But I will Always be victorious
As you might have notest Both Jerome and Rikard no longer post
Zany was a weakling, he made his presence to obvious and Jerome got rid of him at the cost of the paladin's own life
I however have managed to slip into Rikard's chaotic thought and grab hold
Rikard is no more....

Sleep no more...
Konfuzed does murder sleep...

[ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Konfuzed and Zany ]

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