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Old 01-28-2002, 07:39 AM   #138
Red Wizard of Thay

Join Date: August 9, 2001
Location: Upstate NY, USA
Age: 52
Posts: 889
Originally posted by Barry the Sprout:
Sorry you feel that way Nachtrafe. I can understand that with a sig like yours you feel the right to claim complete impartiality.

Ooohhhh...Sarcasm. Nicely played. As per the norm, it tries to divert my point, but nicely played nonetheless.

I have absolutely no problem(obviously) proclaiming my pride in my country, and I make no claims to impartiality. Neither can you. Every statement you have made regarding the current world situation is designed to portray the US in the worst possible light.


I wanted to have a nice discussion in this thread but instead for the few posts I have actually made in between the waves of nationalism I have been insulted and villified.

Not by me. I simply stated my opinion, then backed it up by citing past statements you have made. Perhaps my dictionary is a bit rusty, but that's hardly vilification.

You seem to make the claim of being 'picked on' all the time. Why? Because you make insulting statements that are responded to strongly? Dont couch your arguements in such offensive terms and perhaps you wont get responded to quite so harshly.


At least Ronn had the decency to back up his posts against me and word them in a way that came across as criticsm, not attack. If my opinion is against the current US policy then is it not valid? I have already given my reasons, and you have given yours. We disagree, as usual, what exactly is the problem? You think I hate America?

Ummm...again...perhaps my dictionary is rusty, but when did I attack you. I made a statement of fact. I can go back to posts of yours on many many threads, and the vast majority are solidly anti-American.

Also, did I say you hated America? I said that you constantly portray it in the most negative light. I do the same thing to liberals. Does that mean I hate them? Hardly.


Why would I still be on this board if I thought that. I enjoy a good discussion with some members of this board, but if you would rather have a discussion with only one point of view then fine. Don't blame me when it gets boring or unproductive.

I do welcome contrary points of view. However, I get tired of constant pounding of the same old drum to the same old tune. The words change, but the insturment never does.

"May the wings of liberty never lose a feather!"
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