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Old 01-21-2002, 08:19 PM   #7

Join Date: January 4, 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 415
Well as a Russian-Christian-Orthodox, and Orthodox I would say is the deepest form of Christianity, I can try and answer your tomentious question. In any case, a question like why Satan is evil is fairly simple to answer. Satan is evil because he is considered the ruler of Hell, a place for sinners to pay for their sins, and those may be of any kind. A sin is anything that you would consider wrong. Perhaps an exact definiton of such is really not known, but a sin is simply a wrong thing, and there are many parts of 'SIN'. A light sin, a serious sin, and a major sin. A light would perhaps be like stealing a candy from kitchen when your parents said you cant have any. A serious sin would be stealing something more like a purse, or some small money, clothes, toys, small amounts of things as such. A major sin would be rape, kills, and believe it or not sex. At least in Russian-Orthodox its not allowed to practice safe sex. Of course around 99.9% of Russians do not follow that rule, but it is sin after all. Now to answer the question, Satan is responsible for all of those sins, he is the one that would perhaps make you do those sins under his own influence. Thus he is considered evil, because stealing money, or killing someone is evil. Things of evil nature would automatically be forwarded to Satan. For he is the keeper of sin and the evil one...

I dont know really how to exactly asnwer why Satan is evil, he just is, and most everyone knows that...I mean Satan = Evil, bottom line heh .
<b>-Durwyn Foehammer</b><p><i>\"Don\'t you go a-meddling with old stone or cold wights or prying in their houses, unless you be strong folk with hearts that never faulter.\"</i> - J.R.R. Tolkien
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