Thread: Warhammer!
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Old 01-23-2002, 09:58 AM   #45
Barry the Sprout
White Dragon

Join Date: October 19, 2001
Location: York, UK.
Age: 41
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Originally posted by Bokken:
Damn I never got into the Warhammer myself. Just WH40K.
Most of you probably aren't interested in them but in case anyone is curious I have Dark Eldar 5,000pts, Chaos Space Marines, just over 3,000pts and Orcs 2,000pts.
Have never really played too much myself though. Apart from a few very small games at the GW store I only ever played about 10 reasonable games in peace at home before it turned to just collecting and preparing armies for battles that were never to take place. So now I have a hell of a lot of painted and unpainted figures sitting all over doing nothing. Who knows though. Maybe one day they might just come out again and fight some glorious battles [img]smile.gif[/img]

I used to play 40K a lot and I had an extremely large Orc army. They are so bizzare and weird to play. My speciality was an army based almost entirely on stealth and artilery (Aaaaah! God! sp?). I played with a Blood Axe Clan army so I was allowed Imperial vehicles without targeters. This means that you can have the combiation of madboyz in chimeras supported by Demolisher tanks. And of course all the normal orc guns like the Squig Catapult and the Smasha Gun. Just so comical...
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br /><br /><i>\"And the angels all pallid and wan,<br />Uprising, unveiling, affirm,<br />That the play is the tragedy, man,<br />And its hero the Conquerer Worm.\"</i><br /> - Edgar Allan Poe
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