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Old 01-10-2002, 08:03 PM   #68
Takhisis Follower

Join Date: April 30, 2001
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I also don't think homosexuality should receive more "acceptance" because that is just asking for it's almost like promoting it. Of course, I don't hate anyone because of their lifestyle, I don't have any gay friends, but I have met some and I can't help but think a little differently of them.
The bible also says that God created homosexuality as a punishment for previous sins..something like: "....and men shall be infected with lust for one another as punishment for their wicked ways..."
and of course I agree 100% with what Magick says about reading everything in context, otherwise it is easily fact the Bible is more often mis-interpreted that interpreted correctly IMO.
Politically, I think we should draw the line at "live and let live" as in not persecute gays, but I don't think they should be allowed to marry because IMO that is blatantly taking the serious piss out of everything marriage stands for and represents. Gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt children below a certain age (below, say 15), as IMO it will give a skewed view on life to the child especially at a young age. And I don't care how many people give examples of bad heterosexual parenting, statisticly it is still the only way (realisticly).

[ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: Vaskez ]

Too set in his ways to ever relate
If he could set that aside, there'd be heaven to pay
But weathered and aged, time swept him to grave
Love conquers all? Damn, I'd say that area's gray
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