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Old 01-10-2002, 02:55 AM   #44

Join Date: December 12, 2001
Location: Fryslân, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 1,493
Originally posted by ʆë®Ñï†Ý:
J' you pronounce it Arghan? [img]smile.gif[/img] Where do u live? I'm afraid I am totally ignorant of this place called Frisia... [img]graemlins/help.gif[/img]

No, it's pronounced more like Arian, with a rolling R and the I proncounced like the Y in 'yoghurt'. Silly example, I know, but it's the best I can come up with this early in the morning [img]graemlins/goodmorning.gif[/img]
Frisia (or in Frisian: Fryslân, or in Dutch: Friesland) is a part of Holland, where we have our own language apart from Dutch, sorta like Gaelic in Ireland I guess. Very small mostly rural place, but fun to live in.

Originally posted by ʆë®Ñï†Ý:
"Some of the younger guys"? I take it you're not classing yourself in this category Ohhhh.. I wouldn't say this place needs livening up... [img]graemlins/noevil.gif[/img] but I sure will be having oodles of fun, [img]graemlins/1partygirl.gif[/img] and anyone who wants to join me is extremely welcome to do so! [img]graemlins/happyteeth.gif[/img]

Heh, let's just say I'm old enough to have my hormones under control, more or less
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