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Old 09-05-2001, 01:38 PM   #63
Lord Soth

Join Date: March 5, 2001
Location: Southern California
Posts: 1,948
Originally posted by Rikard:
You say that to get an objective view on a US-China Matter should be found at the American Commercial TV-Channel CNN?????
I don't think so...
I got my information from a Neutral Non-Commercial Newschannel (though the are a bit too US-minded in my opinion) in the Netherlands

Further more
You are mad because I think the Democrats are socialist
What is wrong with socialism?
What is wrong with think that you shouldn't let people die of hunger when they cannot get job?
Are you aware that the US has about the lowest Tax rates in the western world and that also in the US the difference between the poor and rich is the biggest in the western world?

I'm a Socialist By Heart and I'm proud of it

There's nothing wrong with socialism as long as it's not turned to Communism

And sorry to say it but i rather have a communist country then a fasist country

About the election system
It's the system that bugges me not the method
The fact that the populair vote does not deside the president
I think that CNN is one of the most neutral news sources out there. Do you think our government controls our press? Hell no! The press is one of the biggest factors controlling the government. Believe me, they don't balk at posting something that the government/military doesn't like. The American government said one thing, the Chinese said another. Who is this Netherlands agency that knows what really happened though? If they know what happened, they should tell the Americans because I guess we got it all wrong then. I think you should check your sources, but I'm not going to argue over something that neither of us can prove.

On the democratic thing. Our democracy doesn't allow people to starve to death either. I wouldn't agree with any government that would allow any of it's citizens to starve to death. Socialism isn't the only form of government to take care of it's population, but it is one of two goverments that will lead their populations lives for them. I do believe that people should get jobs based on their achievements. I believe that everyone should be able to work their way up to whatever station their ablity/drive merits without a government limiting their progression. There shouldn't be any free rides. The socialist model, as a model is interesting and a nice concept. Show me one time that it has worked though. You say you want to be able to vote, then you turn around and say you want to give all the power to the government.

Lastly, I'm not sure, but did you indirectly call America a Fascist country? You didn't name any examples in that last sentence, but we were comparing Americas system of government to socialism and then you said you would rather have communism over fascism - leading me to believe you were insinuating we were fascists. If there was no implication, then it was a painfully obvious and poorly thought out statement. Who in their right mind would choose Fascism over any type of government? The way you framed your statement, the only reasonable conclusion would be the one that you yourself came to,that anything is better then fascism, yet the statement itself has absolutely nothing to do with anything, unless you are saying that Americans are fascists. I hope that wasn't your intention. If that wasn't your intention, please reframe the statement.

BTW, Please don't tell me I'm mad when I'm not. Merely seeking clarification.

Skywalker, I agree the voting fiasco last year was a bad example of our voting system, but that was one area. There are many other areas that are very advanced in their voting. It just so happens that one of the poorer examples got the most attention.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)

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[This message has been edited by MILAMBER (edited 09-05-2001).]
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