Thread: ABM Treaty
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Old 12-14-2001, 06:34 AM   #20
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Originally posted by Morgan_Corbesant:
im sorry, but we have a republican in office now, not a pansy ass liberal. that means that our military is going to get some MUCH needed revamping. its about time in my opinion. we can finaly be the military power that we used to be.

Uh excuse me? Pansy ass Liberal?
Why? Because they dont want to spend a shit load of money on the military when there is other much more needed places to use the money. Or would you rather see Americans go unemployed just so the army have a few new toys to play with?
And as for being the military power that you used to be? That is total BS. America already is the single most militarily powerful nation in the world. Maybe a better thing would be to spend LESS on the army and more on public welfare.
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